Find a Ticket

Retrieve a Ticket

Use this step to look up a ticket so that you can use the search results on subsequent steps.

Below is an illustration of how to search a ticket.

Enter the ticket id, then the system will use it to retrieve the data if it exists.

Proceed to test the step to finish setting up the zap.

The "Find a Ticket" action returns the following data structure:

        "ticket_id": 311,
        "auth_key_id_used": "2",
        "date_created": "2023-10-06T20:09:30+03:00",
        "request_platform": "Make",
        "process_name": "Overtime Approvals",
        "process_description": "Overtime approvals",
        "process_id": "2",
        "request_id": "275",
        "status": "ACTIONED",
        "actioned_by": "",
        "date_actioned": "2023-10-06T20:09:30+03:00",
        "stage_name": "HR Approval",
        "stage_description": "HR Approval",
        "approvers_emails": "",
        "view_link": "",
        "action_data": {
            "do_you_approve": "",
            "rejection_reason": ""

Last updated