
Mirroring actual business workflow

In OzyApprovals, a process mirror your actual business workflow, ensuring that requests progress through a structured journey of reviews and authorizations. This guide illustrates how the approval process aligns with your business processes and how stages play a critical role in the journey of a request.

Processes are managed under the "Approval Processes" menu. The processes area is as demonstrated below.

Add/Edit a process

To add or edit an approval process, you are required to give the name and description.

Request Submission: Initiating the Process

A process begins with the submission of a request, which mirrors the initiation of a business process or a specific task within your organization. To be able to capture the details of the request, you are required to configure request fields per process.

You are allowed to have a maximum of 20 custom fields per process. This number includes deleted fields.

For each request field, you need to specify the name and if the field is required before being accepted by OzyApprovals.

The fields can be re-ordered to to reflect the desired outcome visually. The order is reflected on the same order on Make, Zapier and Power automate.

Approval Stages

After a request has been registered, it needs to undergo one or many reviews or authorizations. These are called stages. The SLAs, users and approval forms are configured here.

The order of creation does not matter as this will be configured on Zapier, Make or power automate.

Importance of Approval Stages

  • Reflects Organizational Hierarchy:

    • Approval stages replicate the organizational hierarchy, ensuring requests are evaluated by relevant levels of authority.

  • Aligns with Business Processes:

    • The stages closely mirror the steps a request typically undergoes in your business workflow, ensuring a seamless transition from submission to approval.

  • Ensures Comprehensive Review:

    • Multiple stages allow for a thorough review of the request from various perspectives, minimizing errors and enhancing the quality of decision-making.

  • Facilitates Accountability:

    • Clearly defined stages promote accountability as each approver is responsible for their designated review and authorization tasks.

  • Encourages Efficiency and Timeliness:

    • Structured stages streamline the approval process, enabling a more efficient and timely evaluation of requests.

Report Viewers

Here, you specify users that can view reports for a particular approval process. These users may have no rights to action on requests within the process.

When processes are well configured, there is guaranteed to be a seamless approval journey, ultimately enhancing workflow efficiency and effectiveness.

Last updated